Industrial Sectional Doors
Our Industrial Sectional Overhead Doors are the reliable choice when it comes to providing maximum security in an industrial setting. Made of steel panels, these doors feature a double-skinned PUF core design that is ensured to be heat insulating. This is essential for heated rooms or halls that need to be kept at a specific temperature. Moreover, these doors are designed to complement modern industrial architecture with their sleek and attractive look. Additionally, they come in insulated sandwich panel doors or glazed forms and can even be semi-glazed or fully covered depending on how much daylight you want exposed. Furthermore, they are made with high grade pre coated galvanized steel and a 40 mm/80mm Thick filled Polyurethane Foam for enhanced insulation capabilities. Overall, these versatile Industrial Sectional Overhead Doors are the perfect choice for your industrial needs as they offer high levels of security and reliability all while making sure that you get the desired lighting inside your hall or room.